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Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

[Tutorial] Installasi Luna Online Private Server

Installasi Luna Online Private Server

Sebelum kita dapat membuat Luna Online Private Server ini adapun beberapa tahap yang harus kita lakukan yakni :

Persiapkan tool-tool atau software yang diperlukan untuk proses pembuatan private server ini :

Luna Online Client (Thai Version) : DOWNLOAD DI TKP!
Luna Online Server File : DOWNLOAD DI TKP!
Microsoft SQL Server 2000 : LIHAT DISINI
Luna BIN Packer (Tool Untuk mengedit file-file Luna Online) : 
Luna SQL file (Data Base Luna Online) : 

Langkah 1: Instalasi SQL
Pertama dimulai dengan menginstal SQL2000 atau 2005 (disarankan SQL 2000). Jika Anda tidak tahu bagaimana caranya menginstall silahkan baca referensi pada SITUS INI atau tempat lainnya

2.Membuat Database
Setelah itu selesai, Buka Enterprise Manager. Terus klik tombol + sampai Anda telah terhubung dengan data base.

Anda sekarang perlu untuk membuat 3 Database luna_logdb, lunagamedb00 & lunamember
Klik kanan Databases> New Database kemudian memasukkan nama dalam database untuk masing-masing.

Sekarang Anda telah membuat database tersebut,Anda sekarang hanya perlu untuk mengimport file dengan menggunakan Script SQL Query Analyzer. Klik pada database jadi disorot (ingat database ini), lalu pergi ke tab Tools dan klik SQL Query Analyzer.
Sekarang pergilah Query Analyzer, buka File> Buka lalu temukan Luna Server File, masuk ke folder db itu Anda akan melihat file skrip SQL untuk setiap Database. Buka file script untuk database Anda disorot, seharusnya sekarang muncul di Analyzer, sekarang di dekat bagian atas anda akan menemukan sebuah tombol play dan sebuah tombol >, klik tombol play pertama dan setelah selesai klik tombol >.
Lakukan ini untuk semua database 3!.


Go to control panel> Administrative Tools> Data Sources (ODBC).

Lalu tab System DSN. Klik Add dan gulir ke bawah ke SQL Server dan klik finish. Kita perlu melakukan hal ini 3 kali sekarang untuk setiap luna_gamedb berikut, luna_logdb, luna_memberdb.
jika dikatakan Name, dan temapat untuk meletakkan server isi dengan (lokal) dan klik Next. Jendela berikutnya akan muncul, centang "With SQL Server authentication using login and password", sekarang untuk login ID isikan "sa" (kecuali Anda ingin nama lain,disarankan sa) dan masukkan pasword anda lalu klik Next terus sampai selesai. Ingat lakukan cara ini untuk tiap tiap pembuatan database!.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------

File server Setup

Pertama masuk ke folder dan klik dll Regbad.exe untuk register file dll nya.

Sekarang kita perlu mengedit hex AgentServer, DistributeServer, MapServer & RecoveryServer, bukalah dengan dengan hex editor (UltraEdit) dan cari GameSrv, Anda perlu mengganti ini dengan SQL ID anda ada sekitar 2 Anda perlu ubah, kemudian cari Luna dan gantikan dengan SQL password anda, ada 2 juga yang perlu Anda cari, ulangi cara ini untuk setiap gate server.

Sekarang masuklah ke Serverset> 0> itu anda akan melihat sebuah file yang bernama Serverlist, ini berisi IP's, yang saat ini dalam folder set ke, jika Anda ingin mengubahnya kemudian bukalah dengan MakeServerList.exe dan salinan tapi mengubah IP Lan IP Anda.

Setelah Anda sudah mengurutkannya IP yang Anda anda perlu ke gate server lagi dan membuat sortcut untuk MapServer.exe, mengubah nama Shortcut to MapServer 2. dan kemudian klik kanan> Properties dan tambahkan 2 ke target seperti C: luna MapServer.exe 2.exe.

Sekarang Buat 3 copy dari MonitorServer.exe, ini untuk MAS, MS & RMTOOL, tapi Anda masih bisa bermain tanpa menggunakan ini, jadi jangan khawatir jika Anda mendapatkan kesulitan saat mengedit ini

Menjalankan Server

Mulailah dengan membuka MAS, MS & RMTOOL, jika mereka gagal untuk dibuka maka jangan khawatir dan pindah ke langkah berikutnya. Sekarang buka AgentServer, kemudian DistributeServer MapServer (Yang satu Anda buat dengan sortcut) dan jika Anda telah melakukannya dengan benar ada yang berkata Server Connected.

-------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------


Seperti saya katakan di atas, Anda harus menggunakan versi Thailand untuk ini.
Setelah Anda telah men-download klien Thailand, jalankan launcher dan patch itu ke terbaru.

Dengan menggunakan LunaBinPacker, kamu dapat mengedit beberapa file dalam folder system ke dalam ip anda

Sekarang Sudah pasti Private Server anda Berjalan dengan baik
namun kita perlu membuat account untuk memainkan game bukan? hehehe
lanjut ke tahap pembuatan account

Membuat account
Buka Enterprise Manager dan pergi ke lunamember DB> Tables> chr_log_info. Isilah tabel tersebut untuk membuat account Anda.

Install Guide

So now everything is needed for setting up a server, i thought i do much better guide for people when
doing this, as the other one dose not make much sense.

Before i start, you CANNOT use the English version Client, so you need to download the Thai Version
and by moving the English files in to make it English in game.


SQL2000 (You can use SQL2005 also).

Thai Version
English Version

Server Files

Uploadcc :

Download Here

2shared :
Download Here


Download Here


Download Here


Server Setup

Step 1: Installing SQL
First start of by installing SQL2000 or 2005. If you don't know how, there are plenty of guides around,
shouldn't be to hard to hard.

Creating Databases
Once that is complete, Open up Enterprise Manager. Keep clicking the + until you have connected.

You now need to create 3 Databases luna_logdb,lunagamedb00 & lunamember
Right click Databases > New Database then put in the Database name for each one.

Now you should have 3 new databases made, you now need to import the SQL Script file using Query
Analyzer. Click on any database so it's highlighted (remember this database), then go to the Tools tab
and click SQL Query Analyzer.
Now go Query Analyzer is open, go to File > Open and find your Luna Server Files, go into db folder
were you will see the SQL script files for each Database. Open the script file for the database you
highlighted, should now appear in the Analyzer, now near the top you should see a play button and a >
button, click the play button first and once it's done click the > button.
Do this for all 3 databases!.


Go to control panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

Then System DSN tab. Click Add and scroll down to SQL Server and click finish. We need to do this 3
times now for each of the following luna_gamedb, luna_logdb, luna_memberdb.
Where it says Name, that is where you put the the database now and for server type (local) and click
Next. Next window will appear, tick "With SQL Server authentication using login and password" now for
login ID put "sa" (unless you have your own) and put in your SQL password then keep click Next until
you have finished. Do this for all 3 Databases remember!.


Server Files Setup

First go into the dll folder and click Regbad.exe to register.

Now we need to hex edit AgentServer, DistributeServer,MapServer & RecoveryServer, so open these
with the hex editor (UltraEdit) and search for GameSrv, you need to replace this with your SQL Login ID,
there is about 2 you need to change, then search Luna and replace that with your SQL Password, there
is also 2 you need to find, repeat this for each server gate.

Now go into Serverset > 0 > were you will see a file called Serverlist, this contains IP's, the current one
in the folder is set to, if you want to change it then open it up with the MakeServerList.exe and
copy it but change the IP to your Lan IP.

Once you have sorted the IP's you need to go back to your server gates and make a shortcut for
MapServer.exe, rename the Shortcut to MapServer 2. and then right click it > Properties and add the 2
to the target like C:lunaMapServer.exe 2.exe

Now Create 3 copys of the MonitorServer.exe , this is for MAS,MS & RMTOOL, but you can still get it
game without these so don't worry if you have trouble getting them to work.

Starting The Server

Start by opening MAS,MS & RMTOOL, if they fail to open then don't worry and move onto the next step.
Now open AgentServer, DistributeServer then MapServer (The one you created with the shortcut) and if
you have done it correctly it should say Server Connected.


Like i said above, you must be using the Thai version for this.
Once you have downloaded the Thai client, run the launcher and patch it up to the latest.

By using LunaBinPacker, open up settings file in System Folder and change the IP to yours. Use the
official launcher to login.

(Client step is not finished, Just not on my main PC to remember everything, will edit it when am back
on it)

Now you should have a running server.

Creating account
Open up Enterprise Manager and go into lunamember DB > Tables > chr_log_info. Fill it in to create
your account.

GM Commands (Not Tested)


newmania (ServerFiles)
ljh1225da (LunaBinPacker)

And the rest who helped getting Luna up

1. delete chr_log_info table

2. run sql query <- make fixed chr_log_info table


if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(N'[dbo].[chr_log_info]') and
OBJECTPROPERTY(id, N'IsUserTable') = 1)
drop table [dbo].[chr_log_info]

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[chr_log_info] (
[id_idx] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
[propid] [int] NOT NULL ,
[id_loginid] [varchar] (20) COLLATE Thai_CI_AS NULL ,
[id_passwd] [varchar] (16) COLLATE Chinese_PRC_CI_AS NULL ,
[sta_num] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[id_regdate] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
[id_eday] [datetime] NULL ,
[game_in_date] [datetime] NULL ,
[game_out_date] [datetime] NULL ,
[total_game_time] [bigint] NOT NULL ,
[type_num] [tinyint] NOT NULL ,
[id_real] [tinyint] NULL ,
[n_billtype] [char] (10) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NULL ,
[remain_time] [int] NULL ,
[UserLevel] [tinyint] NULL ,
[id_memberType] [char] (1) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NULL ,
[id_sexType] [char] (1) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NULL ,
[id_pass_sec] [varchar] (4) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NULL ,
[id_pass_sec_check] [char] (1) COLLATE Korean_Wansung_CI_AS NULL

3. Modify Account_Create procedure

CREATE Proc [dbo].[Account_Create]
// @loginid : Account
// @passwd : Password
// @userlevel - 1 : God , 2 : Programer , 3 : Developer , 4 : GM , 5 : SuperUser , 6 : User, 7 : SubUser
// @id_sexType - 0 : male , 1 : female
@loginid varchar(20),
@passwd varchar(40),
@userlevel tinyint,
@id_sexType char ,
@code char(4)

set nocount on

declare @propid int

if exists (select * from chr_log_info with(nolock) where id_loginid =@loginid) begin

select @propid=max(propid) from chr_log_info with(nolock)
if @propid > 100000
SET @propid = @propid+1
SET @propid = 100000+1

insert into chr_log_info (propid, id_loginid, id_passwd,userlevel,id_sexType,id_pass_sec)
values (@propid,@loginid,@passwd,@userlevel, @id_sexType,@code)

4. Make Account !
- EXEC Account_Create ID,pass,userlevel,sex,code
EX) EXEC Account_Create newmania,1234,6,0,1234

@userlevel - 1 : God , 2 : Programer , 3 : Developer , 4 : GM , 5 : SuperUser , 6 : User, 7 : SubUser
@id_sexType - 0 : male , 1 : female

5. u make account verification
- open Chr_log_info Table

Credits : newmania

How To Change Version !

- Fix Version
S - ClientVerInfo.ver
S - MHVerInfo.ver
C - LunaVerInfo.ver
C - LUNAClient.exe <- hex edit find : lang08121111
ClientVerInfo.ver : LKCV08121111 == LUNAClient.exe : LKCV08121111 < 0x3a70f0h >
MHVerInfo.ver : LNMH08121111 == LunaVerInfo.ver : LNMH08121111

* LUNAClient.exe <- find change u ip !
Credits : newmania

How to change EXP RATE

In your Luna server files, there is a txt. file thats called droprate, change inside there.

#EXP 1.000000
#ITEM 5.000000
#MONEY 1.000000
#DAMAGERATE 1.000000
#MANASPEND 1.000000
#UNGISPEED 1.000000
#PARTYEXP 1.000000
#ABIL 1.000000
#GETMONEY 1.000000

Go to the first page and you will see it posted there.
Credits : Zerbero

To add items:

What is needed:

How to do it:
goto your LUNA client directory and open the system folder, and then open the resource folder.
in the resource folder there should be a file called ItemList.bin
open that file with the bin packer
use the search function inside the bin packer to find the item you want to add to your character
once you have found that item there should be a item number to the left of its name
copy that number and open your MSSQL Manager (Enterprise Manager)

once in the MSSQL Manager, connect to your mssql and open the lunagamedb00 database
open the tables list and find TB_CHARACTER
once in TB_CHARACTER copy the id of the desired character you would like to add the item to
remember that ID and open the table TB_ITEM (or something like that)
once in that table fill in the first 4 rows with the ItemID in the 3rd column and the Character ID being in
the 1st

once you have filled it in Execute the SQL and login to your server
once in your server open your inventory and enjoy!

(sorry late so i had to rush and couldn't fill in any important details
il soon make a webscript for this anyway :) 

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